In an old interview, Shah Rukh Khan was asked if someone would ever sign up a movie with all the three Khans. During a press interaction, SRK was asked if there would be a day we would see all three of them together, to which the ‘Pathaan’ actor gave a witty reply. He had said that the chances of anyone being able to afford all three of them seemed slim. However, on Saturday, March 2, what seemed impossible happened when all the three Khans - Aamir, Shah Rukh and Salman - took to the stage for a performance to the ‘RRR’ song, ‘Naatu Naatu’, at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s pre-wedding ceremony in Jamnagar.
An insider tells about how this performance came through. Apparently, the initial idea was to get each actor do a hook step on their most iconic song. However, a few days before the big day, Salman suggested it would be easier if they all did an iconic hook step together and there is nothing more iconic than the ‘Naatu Naatu’ hook step from ‘RRR’. Ace choreographer Shaimak Davar and his team were in charge of choreographing the sangeet night dances with Bollywood actors like Janhvi Kapoor, Ananya Panday, Khushi Kapoor and, of course, the Khan trio.
However, our source adds that Shah Rukh, Salman and Aamir took things in their own hands and did quite a bit of impromptu stuff. He adds, “There was no plan to call Ram Charan on stage; it was all a last minute addition. Also, Salman and SRK breaking into their signature steps were just them having fun on stage. The entire vibe was to showcase their friendship and also their stardom that no one can touch.”
Minutes before the performance, Salman was heard joking that he would do his own thing and Aamir and SRK would have to follow cues. Our source says, “Salman has a wicked sense of humour and he clearly was having fun. They didn’t rehearse much apart from cues about where they had to stand and where the background dancers were about to come in. Most of it, as you see in the videos, is all improvised.”
Sources also reveal that everyone from Deepika Padukone to Vicky Kaushal were on their feet, cheering for the Khans as they took to the stage for their surprise performance.